Tuesday, March 11, 2008

We've Evolved

The other day while watching the news, which is not something I do frequently, the main story caught my attention:

“Florida is debating on whether to include Darwin’s theory of evolution in the educational system”Eflux Media

As soon as I heard the reporter, two things came to mind –

1. The First Amendment - This is the political and legal idea that government and religion should be separate, and not interfere in each other's affairs which states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof… “.

With that being said, how has this become an issue?

Public schools are primarily state funded. It doesn’t seem fair to take evolution out of a school funded by the government. Each of these students should be able to choose for them self as to whether they want to believe it or not. If the parents believe their child shouldn’t be taught this theory, then a parental waiver could easily handle the decision.

2. Why do Christians feel that evolution didn’t happen? I am aware that the Bible states in Genesis Chapter One that God created the Earth, sun, moon, man, animals, and vegetation in seven days. My question - do you think that God’s days are a definite 24 hour period? It seems after much research that we owe the 24 hour day to the ancient Babylonians, Egyptians, and Medieval Astronomers. The book didn’t say each of these days took him a standard 24 hour time frame, the book only suggest one day.

I believe that both creationism and evolution are plausible theories.

I personally believe that God did in fact create the world however; I also believe that evolution did occur. God created the world in 7 days so the bible says, but what if God’s days are life times to us? That would mean this could have taken place over hundreds or even thousands of years which would make evolution completely logical, even to Christians.

My wife and I were discussing this the other day and the best way to put it is time is irrelevant. My wife explained to me "Let’s say you’re sitting on a park bench and you see a mother frantically calling for her child and looking all over the place for it now when you see this it has only went on for a minute but that minute may seem like a life time to that mother".

I can remember many times where people say I've been praying for this my whole life and my prayers where finally answered today. To that person, they have been praying for a life time and God finally answered the prayer. What if it wasn't a life time for God? For all we know, this was just a couple of minutes ago to God and he answered it as quickly as he could.

As usual I welcome thoughts on this subject and will do my best to respond back as quickly as possible.

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