Saturday, January 12, 2008

Why Bother Questioning It?

I've been hit by inspiration once again but this time I've been at war with myself the past week and a half. I find myself being so confused; I've never really found myself to be one to share my feelings with the general public. I feel as if I'm being told to write this. I feel that I need to write. I'm sure that my thoughts are going to bring a lot of scrutiny, but for those who feel the need to argue and question me this probably wasn't meant for you. However, if you do disagree please feel free to share your thoughts with me. I do welcome it; honestly I love to know others opinions. I really hope this is for a good cause. Maybe I'll show somebody out there that they are not alone.

The last couple of weeks have been hard on me. I lost a job that I actually somewhat enjoyed. However, the more I think about it; it's probably a good thing. It means I'll be making a new chapter in my life.

As usual, with everything that goes wrong, I question why this is happening. I have found myself talking to God a lot lately. It seems to me that my prayers have gone unanswered, but maybe they have been answered. Maybe I've just been too busy blaming and questioning Him to listen.
I thought to myself about all the times I've ever questioned the Lord. Many people are shocked to learn that I used to be an overtly religious person. I used to be a choir boy, I would go to church every Sunday, Wednesday and any other day the doors where open.

Then something happened in my life that turned that around. I won't say that I lost faith in God; however, I did lose my faith in organized religion. I somewhat felt that this caused me to fall from His good graces.

It all started with a question. This question is one that I am sure many have said and/or heard before. "Why does God …" or "Why did God…" We have all heard that as a Christian we are not supposed to question God or His will. I've been told that the Bible says that we should not question Him and I have a problem with that.

I believe that the Bible is God's word. However, I also know that the Bible was written by man. The problem with this is that man has his own mind and his own beliefs. I think that being told we should not question the Bile is wrong. How do we know that this "rule" is not a man's opinion that was put in there to influence the reader?

If God did not want us to question Him, he could have easily made us blind believers. God didn't do that though. Instead He gave us free will and a mind of our own. Am I a bad person because I see absolutely nothing wrong with questioning God?

I pray that people would stop downing those of us who do question. There is nothing in the Bible that says if you question God you're sinning. Believe me, I've read it thoroughly. Nowhere in the Bible does it state that we are wrong for this. Instead the criticism comes from those who believe we are wrong. My question to them would be what happened to all that mess about casting the first stone?

My main point to writing this is to let people know that they are not alone. That just because you don't believe in an organized religion doesn't mean that you love God any less. God sees and hears you. I am certain that your God loves you for you. The only thing I know that God asks of each of us is for you to believe in Him. He doesn't tell you that the only way you can get to Heaven is by going to church. Going to Heaven is a reward given to each of us simply for believing, trusting, and living by His word.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16

The next time someone tells you that you are wrong for questioning God or that you are wrong for not belonging to a church remember it's not them that you have to answer to. The best response would be to simply smile and walk away.

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